Entry for May 25, 2008

Many “highend” shops could care less about your trip! BE CAREFULL do the research yourself in the store ask to see the box or the catalog most staff have never used anything in the store. I did not used to be a fan of On line sales but if you know what you want and the gear is not a second or irregular piece you get a Hell of a better deal on line!They are there help if they don’t go elsewhere.there’s a few that will make the changes in your order and say “well its about the same thing”.No its not, that is unacceptable
Alot of the Odds and Bods you could only get from these shops a year or two ago can be found at you large sporting goods type places and Wally-world for that matter.Some of your big “Mountain Manly” gear company’s are now owned by fashion magazines with the Technical and the non-technical. The price on both will still be TECHNICAL. Be advised.
Also: be very careful about where and who you get your info and training from.I cant believe some of the crap I have seen presented as survival instruction on the web and TV and especially “tube” type video.I just watched some unbelievable rubbish on a video playing at a high end _ass pro shop book section.Some guy in his cotton levi’s a big old Bowie knife. they had this video on so folks watching thought it was good info…I’ve seen one guy “Lizzy Borden”a small sapling with a tracker knife…(with a knife like that should of been a 4-6 chop) to make a hasty Bow… don’t paint a good picture for those of us who practice Survival / Bush-craft….more later.
I do not like to be Grummpy but once in a while I Just Have to let it fly lol
Take care M/BK
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